Thursday, May 20, 2021

Srinivasa ramanujan essay

Srinivasa ramanujan essay

srinivasa ramanujan essay

Read this Essay on Srinivasa Ramanujan ( A.D. – A.D.)! One of the greatest mathematicians of India, Ramanujan’s contribution to the theory of numbers has been profound. He was indeed a mathematical phenomenon of the twentieth century. This legendary genius of India ranks among the all time greats like Euler and blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins  · Srinivasa Ramanujan – Short Essay 1. Srinivasa Ramanujan was a famous Indian Mathematician who lived during the British rule in India. He was born on 22 December He was not a formal mathematician but made his part to factorial stuff, number theory and continued blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins  · Last Updated: Apr 22, See Article History Srinivasa Ramanujan, (born December 22, , Erode, India—died April 26, , Kumbakonam), Indian mathematician whose contributions to the theory of numbers include pioneering discoveries of the properties of the partition function

Srinivasa Ramanujan Essay - Words

In this essay I will discuss the journey of the great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, srinivasa ramanujan essay.

I will mention his background including his family, srinivasa ramanujan essay, education and early achievements. This essay will certainly contain his mathematical discoveries in different topics and formulas he worked on. Last but not least, I am going to specify if any of his mathematics is used srinivasa ramanujan essay in different technologies particularly computers.

In this town, Ramanujan attended several primary schools where he srinivasa ramanujan essay a distinction in his primary examination which placed him in Town High School in Interestingly enough, srinivasa ramanujan essay, Ramanujan chose to create his own path into mathematics at only the age of 13, he focused on the sum of geometric and arithmetic series, srinivasa ramanujan essay.

In srinivasa ramanujan essay same year, Ramanujan gained a scholarship due to srinivasa ramanujan essay outstanding performance in his studies and therefore was a F. Throughout the year he got more and more fascinated by the subject and his passion grew for mathematics. Hence he failed all his formal education but mathematics at KGC. This failure had cost Ramanujan depression because neither he nor his parents could afford for his studies and as a result he ran away to Vizagapatnam in without the acknowledgment of his parents.

At that time he decided to focus on the relationship between series and integrals. However he failed all but mathematics, again, because he paid all his focus towards mathematics at that time. Just like any random person, Ramanujan had a source of inspiration. He was influenced by a famous book of G. Carr, A Synopsis of Elementary Results Pure Mathematics, which was basically a condensation of algebraic, srinivasa ramanujan essay, calculus, trigonometric and analytical geometric equations of the late 19th century.

The book significantly affected his mathematical work. In Ramanujan began experiencing health problems while studying continuous fractions and divergent series but did not srinivasa ramanujan essay any actions; instead he got married the following year to his nine year old distant relative, S.

Janaki Ammal. However, she moved to live with him at the age of This major achievement enabled him to work as a clerk at Madras Port Trust in Ramanujan earned 30 rupees a month which was enough for srinivasa ramanujan essay and his family. At that stage, Ramanujan got popular to various professors throughout Madras who wanted to take his talent and intelligence up to a higher point.

T Griffith was the first to help Ramanujan, srinivasa ramanujan essay. Griffith who graduated from London University College was a professor in Civil Engineering and had written to M. Similarly there were another five important mathematicians at that time including Professors Baker and Hobson who were Cambridge mathematicians who did not react towards Ramanujan as much as Mr.

Godfrey H Hardy, srinivasa ramanujan essay, also a Cambridge mathematician, supported Ramanujan through a number of letters, srinivasa ramanujan essay. In the same year,Ramanujan was offered a two-year funded scholarship from the University of Madras of 75 rupees per month.

The following year Hardy wished for Ramanujan to receive better financial support therefore he invited Ramanujan to move for Trinity College, Cambridge. Luckily while Ramanujan was deciding on the offer, he met E. Neville, a student at Trinity College who was in Madras to attend a lecture. The decision was hard-hitting for his family but they finally agreed. For some reason he moved into Trinity College and remained in his rooms. Unfortunately Ramanujan faced hard times since World War One started in the same year and therefore there were few Cambridge mathematicians, who left for war service, and few students, srinivasa ramanujan essay.

Ramanujan was a vegetarian and under these serious conditions it was extremely difficult to obtain vegetarian food outside London. It was stressful to live in England during that period yet Ramanujan and Hardy got together almost on a daily basis. Still with the srinivasa ramanujan essay and pressurising war, Ramanujan graduated from Cambridge in hold of a Bachelor of Science for Research on Highly Composite Numbers. A year of satisfaction later, Ramanujan was diagnosed with Tuberculosis and remained in a number nursing homes; Cambridge, Wells and in Matlock Derbyshire.

He was then transferred to Fitzroy House in London as it was noticed that his health was slightly progressing.

Ramanujan returned to home country, India, on 13th of March He received best health care throughout several places but unfortunately his health was worsening. Ramanujan produced an astonishing theorems in different topics including number theory, combinatorics and algebra. Although Ramanujan was brilliant at exploring equation, he was not good enough at explaining how to derive them. Most of all, Ramanujan had put so much effort into infinite series and he used them to invent equations for 1pone of the 17 equations he explored is:.

Hardy was able to come up with this as he was travelling to visit Ramanujan in the hospital in his last few days. It seemed to srinivasa ramanujan essay rather a dull number. No, Hardy! It is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways.

The interesting srinivasa ramanujan essay is that the number of different combinations is decided upon the position of the term, srinivasa ramanujan essay, Ta n. For example the fifth term, Ta 5could be obtained by five different combinations of two positive cubes. Ramanujan theory was that:.

Ramanujan did a lot of work on modular equations where an equation is represented in terms of x, and he did further work on f x2f x3 and so on. It was an area where he was very strong and recognised at. The study of modular equations led Ramanujan to pay attention to modular functions. Children today start learning about pi and how it is used to find the area and circumference of a circle starting from secondary schools where it is compulsory and some continue with it in higher education.

Pi exists everywhere and in many different subjects. Not only in circles, but pi also occurs in many mathematical equations, srinivasa ramanujan essay, also in science to measure ocean waves as well as in statistics of economy.

Ramanujan has contributed so much towards pi through various different srinivasa ramanujan essay. His contributions were very successful and had high levels of accuracy. The formulas and equations he developed are now used in computers to generate the accurate value of pi which srinivasa ramanujan essay millions of digits. Pi reached million digits in But what is the point of generating more and more values of pi? The answer is simply that the more values of pi there are the more reliable and efficient the computers are.

Srinivasa ramanujan essay conclusion Ramanujan has been compared to significant names including some of the masters of mathematics srinivasa ramanujan essay as Newton and Einstein. His intelligence led him to move away from a poor town in India into Cambridge where he became a famous mathematician taking into account his health issues.

One of his great stories that is shared with us took place while he had a conversation with a friend named Sandow. Night and day I do my calculations on slate. It is too slow to look for a rag to wipe it with.

Ramanujan has been an inspiration for some generations and his work is carried on until this moment throughout several technologies, most importantly, computers. Ramanujan died at the young age of 37 leaving us a great history in mathematics, so the question we should ask ourselves is: What more could he have achieved if he had lived a little longer?

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Essay on National Mathematics Day -- Know everything about Sir Srinivasa Ramanujan

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Srinivasa Ramanujan: The Great Mathematician | CustomWritings

srinivasa ramanujan essay

 · Srinivasa Ramanujan Essay true, no one would have had the imagination to invent them". Thus was Srinivasa Ramanujan () introduced to the mathematical world. Born in South India, Ramanujan was a promising student, winning academic prizes in high school  · Last Updated: Apr 22, See Article History Srinivasa Ramanujan, (born December 22, , Erode, India—died April 26, , Kumbakonam), Indian mathematician whose contributions to the theory of numbers include pioneering discoveries of the properties of the partition function In this essay I will discuss the journey of the great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. I will mention his background including his family, education and early achievements. This essay will certainly contain his mathematical discoveries in different topics and formulas he worked on

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