Thursday, May 20, 2021

Science in daily life essay

Science in daily life essay

science in daily life essay

20/5/ · The daily paper that we take up then to satisfy our hunger for information is also a product of science. The items of news are not only gathered daily from all over the world but also printed on a mass scale through different scientific processes such as telegraphs, radios, printing presses, etc. The paper on which give us the power of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins 19/9/ · A short essay on the use of science in daily life. A lot of the things that we do in our life involves science in it. From using a calculator to operating a washing machine, or watching television, our whole world is made of Essay Book 24/1/ · Science in everyday life Essay Science has affected our daily living system at larger scale. Or it can be said that it has penetarated our life fully. We are limbless without it

Science In Daily Life - Essay - words

Science in Everyday Life. Science is a great blessing to mankind. Nothing better has happened in the history of man than the advent of science in human life. The world into which science came was a world of ignorance, suffering, and hardship. Science has come to relieve us from sufferings, to remove our ignorance, and to lighter our toil.

Science is a faithful servant of man. It serves us in all walks of life. It is our servant in the home, in the field, and science in daily life essay the factory, science in daily life essay. Science has transformed our daily life.

Gone are the days when only rich men could afford luxuries. Science has made them cheap and has brought them within the reach of everybody. Science has produced goods on a large market. These are sold at cheap rates in every market. Books, music, and all other forms of entertainment have been brought to our door. Radio, television, cinema help us in passing our time and also provide education to us. Science is our most faithful medical attendant.

It shows every care for our health. Because of science, science in daily life essay, we are cured of many diseases. It has given us the power to reduce epidemics. No longer are cholera, plague, and smallpox the scourge of science in daily life essay. Science has helped in reducing the death rate and has also enhanced the living age of humans. Science has reduced distance and made traveling a pleasure.

Science has annihilated time and space, science in daily life essay. Trains roar through deserts, jungles, and mountains while aeroplanes fly across thousands of kilometers in a matter of hours. The work of months and years can now be completed in hours. Science is the greatest blessing to the poor housewife. A thousand devices have been placed at her disposal to lighter her toil. There is electricity-run kitchens in which cooking is a pleasure. There is no dirt, no smoke, and cooking with the help of gas and electricity can be done in the twinkling of an eye.

Electricity helps her in washing and pressing clothes and even in cleaning floors, science in daily life essay. Science has provided us with computers and machines which have greatly increased our efficiency. We are better connected to people today and information is only a click of the mouse away. Man no longer needs to do the back-breaking job of digging into mines with bare hands or tilling the soil with animals.

Every factory is a standing tribute to the care and comforts that science has brought into our life. Science educates us in many ways. Large printing presses produce the number of books at cheap rates. News is brought to us from every corner of the world through the newspaper, radios, and television.

However, science has done a great disservice to mankind in the field of armaments. Weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, and sophisticated armament have endangered our lives and threaten to destroy the world.

However, it is up to us whether we will destroy our world or make it more beautiful and comfortable with the help of science. The advancements in science have brought about many changes in our lives. The civilizations have progressed leaps and bounds. Science has changed the human attitude towards nature and the universe. It has made mankind confident to face the challenges that the cosmos throws at us. Science has made our everyday lives very comfortable.

In the area of transport, we no longer have to depend upon the slow bullock-carts or the power of our legs, we now have trains, aeroplanes, ships, cars, and scooters to take us from one place to another. Means of communications have vastly improved. Thanks to various advancements made in science we have come a long way from carrier pigeons and messenger boys to fax machines, Teletext, mobile phones, the Internet, and E-Mails.

Computers have today taken over the function of a letter-writer, secretary, postal department, and information disseminator. At a press of a button a person sitting in his office in New York can receive all the information that he requires from any office around the world Communications have also brought about a sea change in the disaster warning systems around the world.

They can also transmit the distress signals of a ship or an aircraft to the authorities in times of need. There was a time when the means of entertainment comprised of an evening at a local dance, science in daily life essay, music, or puppet performance, science in daily life essay, today we prefer to spend the evening at a cinema hall, or in front of a television set. This transformation has been possible because of the invention of the television and moving pictures.

Agriculture, water resources, energy needs, and medicine are no longer dependent upon the ancient methods. New developments and new technologies have made growing crops, generating electricity, and curing many complex diseases very easy. New implements, new medicines, and new methods have made agriculture, power generation, and medical treatment more efficient.

To conclude we can say that science is the magic genie of today. It can do wonders for us if used carefully. It will, on the contrary, bring destruction and ruin if used in the wrong science in daily life essay. Nothing better has happened in the history of man than the advent of science in his life. Science has come to relieve us of sufferings, to remove our ignorance, and to lighten our toil.

It is our servant in the home, in the field, in the factory. It serves us at every step in life. Never was there a more helpful servant. It is only when we spoil the servant and do not keep him in proper control that he may cause some harm to us. But this is our own fault.

A servant has to be kept under control. Science produces goods on large scale. Books, music, and all other forms of entertainment have been brought to our doorstep.

Radio, television, and cinema help us in passing our time in entertainment. Surely, the daily life of the common man is very different from what it used to be once. Science has cured us of many diseases. It has given us the power to keep epidemics under check. No longer are smallpox, cholera, and plague the ravages of mankind. Science gives us the power to kill the germs which spread these diseases. There is hardly any disease today which can be called incurable.

Science has made traveling a pleasure. No longer do we need to part sadly from our relatives and friends when we go to visit the holy places. Trains roar through deserts and jungles and man travels with safety and speed.

But already the trains and motor cars have become absolute means of transport. The airplanes fly across hundreds of kilometers in an hour. You can take your breakfast in Srinagar, lunch in Delhi, and dinner in Mumbai. The work of months and years completed in hours. Now she need not always remain busy in the kitchen. A thousand devices have been placed at her disposal to lighten her toil. There are electricity-run kitchens in science in daily life essay cooking is a pleasure.

There is no dirt, no smoke. Cooking is done in the twinkling of an eye. Electricity serves the housewife to wash and press her clothes and to sweep her floors. No one could be more grateful than the housewife to the science for its blessing. It has given her leisure to take rest, to study, and to attend better to her children.

No less happy could be the laborer with science. Science has taken upon itself the dirtiest of jobs. Man no longer needs to do the back-breaking science in daily life essay of digging into the coal and iron mines with his bare hands.

Every factory is a standing tribute to the ease and comfort that science has brought into our life. But this is by no means the end of the blessings of science. Another job that this servant does for us is to educate us. Science has built great printing presses which produce a large number of books at very cheap rates.

It has placed at our disposal scores of means to expel ignorance from mankind.

Importance Of Science In Our Daily Life by Babu Gogineni

, time: 5:10

Science in Our Daily Life -

science in daily life essay

16/2/ · Science plays an important part in our daily life. It has made our life easier and more comfortable. Science is nothing but a systematic way of knowledge and living. Man’s qualities of curiously, alertness and keen observation of changes in natural happenings has given birth to science and scientific blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 20/5/ · The daily paper that we take up then to satisfy our hunger for information is also a product of science. The items of news are not only gathered daily from all over the world but also printed on a mass scale through different scientific processes such as telegraphs, radios, printing presses, etc. The paper on which give us the power of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins 7/9/ · Science in Everyday Life Science is a great blessing to mankind. Nothing better has happened in the history of man than the advent of science in his life. The world into which science came was a world of ignorance, suffering, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

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