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Personal philosophy of success essay

Personal philosophy of success essay

personal philosophy of success essay

 · Personal Philosophy of Success Essay. Success is what everyone college student dreams of. My Philosophy of Success, I believe that success is being able to wake up each morning, look in the mirror and be satisfied with your life. I believe successful people have learned to appreciate all the good things in their lives  · I think a personal philosophy of success should be a hope or dream to both people who want to achieve a dream in the future and to people who hasn’t achieved their dream in life  · Personal success is considered as the triumph that each person achieves in their daily lives. The objectives and goals only serve as motivations that depend on the interests, values and principles of each individual. The path to success depends on a series of attitudes and strategies that the individual assumes and has built through his personal story, marking the

Essay on My Personal Philosophy of Success: the Strategies: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. My personal philosophy of success is defined with three strategies I use for college success.

To succeed in college you need to set yourself goals, and to help achieve those goals you need strategies. The strategies I will use for my personal philosophy of success are Setting Priorities, organization of materials, and DAPPS, Dated Achievable Personal Persistent and Specific. These strategies will help me through college by being more organized, neat, and well-ordered. Setting strategies to yourself will benefit to your personal philosophy of success essay life not being unorganized.

Also making goals for yourself can contribute in the long run to set future ones. Setting personal philosophy of success essay is as clear as it sounds. This is useful for someone who seems to slack off in urgencies, and give in to less important concerns. For example I would have school, work, and soccer as my main priorities, but I would get distracted playing video games. I than set certain amount of time for my main priorities each week making it a schedule.

As work goes, it is the same weekly schedule which coordinates with my class meetings. For soccer I would train three times a week two hours a day.

I set the time for my training after Philosophy of Education I believe helping students learn and grow is my purpose in life. I believe the role of the student is to attend school and learn new information that they can apply to their lives. I believe the role of the paraprofessional is to be the assistant to the teacher and provide assistance to the students.

I believe the community plays a major role in education, especially the parents and guardians. Parents send their children to school to be educated and to help prepare them for life. Education helps prepare students for the real world. Personal philosophy of success essay students become young adults, they can help contribute to society by having a job and serving their community, personal philosophy of success essay.

Education is not going away anytime soon, so we need to look at what education really is and who is a part of the education team. The purpose of education is to provide all students with the skills they need to develop. In education, we have to teach each student how to think critically and how to solve problems on their own. Students are like sponges and absorb information very quickly. They are eager to learn new information and get excited when they have learned something on their own.

Students should be learning the core subjects as well as how they can make an impact in society as well. Education should not be boring; students should have a fun personal philosophy of success essay learning about areas that interest them, personal philosophy of success essay.

Students should go home every day with something new that they have learned is far from such a profession. Nurses are required to possess and display a tremendous amount of dedication, patience, and empathy.

In addition, a nurse must display mental and physical stamina in the most challenging situations. I strive to be a nurse that possesses all of those ideal qualities. My mission is to help patients recover both physically and mentally.

My passion for this career will sustain me through all the challenges of the job. Personal Philosophy What has influenced my values, attitudes, and beliefs towards nursing? Throughout my years as a nursing student, my personal nursing philosophy has gone through changes, personal philosophy of success essay. By virtue of clinical and employment experiences, I have been enlightened about my nursing core values and beliefs.

In this approach, nurses implement practical and theoretical knowledge with empathy to provide humane and holistic care Anandarajah, Compassion In retrospect, personal philosophy of success essay, I have viewed patients as medical cases. I have focused overtly on performing technical skills and participating in clinical decision making in order to treat them medically, that I have overlooked Individuals such as Roscoe Pound, H. Hart, and John Austin have provided individuals ranging across the disciplines with outstanding accounts of their personal philosophies about the law and the interpretation of it.

When looking to the modern era, it is difficult to consider the philosophy of law without examining the much-esteemed Ronald Dworkin. In presenting this account, he examines the discretion thesis. This thesis serves as the mechanism by which members of the judiciary should decide the most difficult of cases by establishing new law in the exercise of discretion.

Dworkinp. Becoming successful is hard work and does not happen overnight. In order to achieve success you must always have a strict plan and goal to achieve your goals. Everyone has their own strategy to achieve success and I personal philosophy of success essay no different.

I am very methodical when it comes to figuring things out, I must always have a plan, especially when it comes to something important to me. First I start by making a lists of steps to concur my goal, what I like to call my achievement list, second I Organize my list into a visual representation, and lastly I work on myself and mold myself into a better person mentally and physically to not only achieve my goal of successbut to preserve and maintain it, so I do not lose what I tried so hard to get.

With these three main success strategies I not only will reach my goals but I will do it with flying colors. When tackling a big goal or something I want to succeed in, what I first do, is think it out and create a very detailed and strong step by step plan to affectively obtain it. Now knowing what I Personal Philosophy of Nursing Nursing is a profession that I aspired to be a part of because nurses represent the very core of love, compassion, and caring. When I began working as a Supervisor in a Skilled Nursing Facility, I then developed my personal philosophy and set of values regarding nursing care.

As a health care provider, I believe that the core of nursing embodies the integration of abstract nursing knowledge, behavioral and natural science, personal philosophy of success essay, the humanities, and the arts. All of these attributes, plus humanity toward other people, help shape compassionate, respectful behavior, and effective nursing care. My goal in providing nursing care is to use my comprehension, competencies and skills to provide care to patients to enhance physical condition, comfort and quality of life.

The unique values and beliefs that differentiate personal philosophy of success essay define people all impact the ways people experience and relate to one another. One huge challenge in the nursing field is how to integrate properly our own values and beliefs into professional practice. These include epistemology, logic, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics. Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, such as the relationships between truth, belief, and theories of justification.

Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. Metaphysics is the study of the most general features of reality, such as existence, time, the relationship between mind and body, objects and their properties, wholes and their parts, events, processes, and causation.

Ethics, or "moral philosophy ," is concerned primarily with the question of the best way to live, and secondarily, personal philosophy of success essay, concerning the question of whether this question can be answered. Aesthetics deals with beauty, art, enjoyment, sensory-emotional values, perception, and matters of taste and sentiment.

Definition: -- The term philosophy itself comes from the Greek philosophia, which means love of wisdom. Meaning: --The rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. Significance: For us to avoid being fooled by those learned person, personal philosophy of success essay, it removes or takes away doubts, it turns life to be simple and flexible Learning the self-assessment strategies have given me confidence in myself and made me more focused for what I want in life.

The on course textbook has showed me steps on how to manage a successful life and also a personal life. The strategies I will be using will help with my self-esteem, responsibility, self-management, and learning style. The first success strategy I plan on using all the time is accepting personal responsibility. There will be time when I need to focus on school and worry less about my free time.

The weekend comes around and all I do is procrastinate my studying. The personal philosophy of success essay thing to do about this situation would be to think wise and use my self-management strategy. Free time will always be available but a test that determines your grade will not. This helps me to be a creator about things and keeping up with the self-management strategy.

Motivating myself daily and getting things done is another way to accomplish goals. What I had in mind is making a list of things to do and crossing them out as I get done with them.

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Personal philosophy of success Free Essay Example

personal philosophy of success essay

 · My Philosophy of Success, I believe that success is being able to wake up each morning, look in the mirror and be satisfied with your life. I believe successful people have learned to appreciate all the good things in their lives  · Personal Philosophy of Success Essay. Success is what everyone college student dreams of. My Philosophy of Success, I believe that success is being able to wake up each morning, look in the mirror and be satisfied with your life. I believe successful people have learned to appreciate all the good things in their lives  · Personal success is considered as the triumph that each person achieves in their daily lives. The objectives and goals only serve as motivations that depend on the interests, values and principles of each individual. The path to success depends on a series of attitudes and strategies that the individual assumes and has built through his personal story, marking the

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