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Importance of trees essay

Importance of trees essay

importance of trees essay

Oct 13,  · Importance of Trees in Human Life Essay: (1) We get oxygen from trees. (2) Trees help reduce air, water and noise pollution. (3) They get valuable herbs from which many diseases are cured. (4) We get fruits and grains from the trees to blogger.coms: 1 May 18,  · Trees contribute a lot to their environment. From providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil to benefiting wildlife. As we all know, during the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, which we breathe. Trees also contribute to a healthy blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Sep 23,  · 10 Lines on Importance of Trees Essay. Trees are an important part of the ecosystem. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen. Trees are of many types, in fact, there are thousands of species of trees. Trees provide animals with food and shelter. Trees also provide humans with many important Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

The Importance Of Planting Trees, Essay Sample

A tree is importance of trees essay perennial plant. It has an elongated stem, supporting branches, and leaves all over its limbs. Trees are on the Earth even before the existence of humans. It is said that the presence of trees dates back to years ago. Trees play a very significant role in our lives. Trees can live without our support but we cannot live without trees. The entire ecosystem depends on trees. The advent of the food chain begins with plants. Trees provide us the essential fuel for our body: Oxygen.

Without oxygen, we cannot live. Trees all around surround us. As per medical science, green color is very soothing to eyes, importance of trees essay, and trees provide us so. The most common trees we see around us are the banyan tree, neem tree, mango tree, peepal tree, importance of trees essay, sesame tree, etc.

Without plants and trees, importance of trees essay, the survival of life on Earth is impossible to think. Like human beings, trees also breathe. The only difference is that humans and animals intake oxygen and give out carbon dioxide, importance of trees essay, whereas trees inhale carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This is a natural cycle made to sustain other living beings. It is a well-known fact that carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases.

These gases when released into the atmosphere form a covering and importance of trees essay the heat from the sun. This is known as the greenhouse effect that is the leading cause importance of trees essay Global warming.

Therefore, we should plant more trees as planting more trees will clean the air, which will further reduce the global warming effect. Trees contribute a lot to their environment. From providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving importance of trees essay to benefiting wildlife. As we all know, during the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, which we breathe.

Trees also contribute to a healthy ecosystem. Trees are home to many animals, insects, birds, and fungi. This forms a balanced environment that contributes to the betterment of living beings.

Trees not just produce their food but give food also to us. It is found at the bottom of the food chain. They produce their food through importance of trees essay. Hence, trees contribute significantly to the whole ecosystem. Further, trees are a rich source of shelter, food, clean air, and medicines that are used to heal our diseases.

Water balance includes important phenomena such as precipitation and transpiration. The water from the reservoirs gets evaporated and again falls on Earth in the form of rain.

Trees receive this rainwater and hold them in the land. This prevents clean water from flowing and getting wasted in drains. They also act as watersheds. They carry the water from flood for some time, and then slowly release them into the Earth and atmosphere.

In this way, they maintain the water base and provide us with a waterbed. The root of the trees hold the soil underground and prevent it from soil erosion. It does so by holding the soil and preventing it from getting washed away during rain and floods. It also prevents landslides in the same way.

Trees provide us so much. It provides clean, fresh air, water, and food to us. Its greenery and freshness also soothe our mind and body. It gives a positive vibe in the atmosphere. Trees give shelter and cool sheds during summers and rainy seasons. Children develop good memory; patients recover easily, and much more. The fresh fruits and vegetables produced by trees help us in improving our eyesight and better growth of the importance of trees essay and brain. There is a lot more than trees provide us so that we can lead a better life.

Trees like almond, coconut, cherry, prune, peach, pear, and many other tree species are grown in orchards for their fruits and nuts. These trees turn out to be a tremendous economic booster for a country. Trees also produce fruits, medicine, and rubber that are exported in many countries.

Trees provide wood and paper. Wood plays a major role in the manufacturing industry. Also, the paper is one of the most used products. Trees also act as a natural cooler. More is the number of trees; more cooler is the environment. It can help you to reduce Ac bills and keep the environment natural, importance of trees essay. Trees support many life forms. Birds make their nests, many reptiles, fungi, insects, and animals live on it, importance of trees essay.

Trees are selfless. They never ask for anything in return for the things they provide us. Several parts of trees, such as roots, leaves, stem, flower, seeds, are also edible. Trees keep the balance in the ecosystem and ecology.

Deforestation is because of the reckless cutting of trees that our ecosystem is losing its balance. Human beings are becoming selfish day by day. The man is cutting down trees to establish livelihood, settlements, industries, importance of trees essay, and trades. Deforestation rates are surprising. It is not only causing a threat to the sustainability of the environment but also endangering wildlife.

Day by day, the number of trees is decreasing because of human greed. This reckless cutting of trees should be reduced importance of trees essay soon as possible. Otherwise, importance of trees essay, the entire ecological system will suffer. Trees are a precious gem for human beings. It is the most valuable gift from our mother nature. They should be properly cared for and looked after. They are a vital part of our importance of trees essay and our environment.

The reckless handling and brutal cutting of such a valuable resource clearly show how greedy and selfish humans have become. Making use of trees is reasonable, but exploiting them is not. It has become very important that we get alert about the harmful effects of deforestation. Our needs should be fulfilled, but not at the cost of the environment. All of us should be attentive citizens and plant more and more trees. Then only this world can be a better place to live in.

In fact, man would not alive if there were no trees. Trees provide us with an abundance of fruits and vegetables of various kinds. Some plants provide lac, some gum, some resin. All these substances are useful to us in some way or the other way. Timber from wood is used for building houses and making furniture. The roots of some trees and barks of some others have medicinal properties.

Trees like the neem can be used in some form or the other as pesticides, weedicides or fungicides. Many people still brush their teeth with neem twigs. The coconut palm, of course, is an all-rounder. There is no part of plant that is not useful to man. We get woods from the them, and from that woods we make paper for studying, so they are all-rounder for us, as every part of the trees are useful for us. They provide shade. They make the importance of trees essay cool.

They control the moisture level in the atmosphere and help prevent soil erosion. Place where there are no trees are extremely hot such as desert area. They also provide us with our life line oxygen for breathing.

Write an essay on Importance of Trees - Short Essay - English

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importance of trees essay

Feb 26,  · Trees occupy an important, valuable and necessary place to our very existence. Trees are our best friends and without them life is not possible on the earth. Trees are the soothing music to our ears and the dancing fairies to our eyes. Yes, today I stand before you to speak on the importance of planting trees May 18,  · Trees contribute a lot to their environment. From providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil to benefiting wildlife. As we all know, during the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, which we breathe. Trees also contribute to a healthy blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Sep 23,  · 10 Lines on Importance of Trees Essay. Trees are an important part of the ecosystem. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen. Trees are of many types, in fact, there are thousands of species of trees. Trees provide animals with food and shelter. Trees also provide humans with many important Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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