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Antibiotic resistance essay

Antibiotic resistance essay

antibiotic resistance essay

 · Pages: 8 ( words) Download Paper: Views: Antibiotic resistance is when microorganisms, such as bacteria, are able to survive an exposure to antibiotics and these bacteria are now resistant to the effects of these antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria has been an issue since antibiotics were blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins  · Generally, antibiotic resistance occurs as a part of a natural process for bacteria to evolve. So, the antibiotic resistance can only be slowed down but not completely stopped. Therefore, more research and development is vital and it should be a continuous process to keep up with resistant bacteria, and when new antibiotics are developed in the future, we must Antibiotic resistance is a serious matter which should be addressed seriously. Every time you take antibiotics you don’t need you increase your chance of contracting an infection that is caused by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. And if you get an infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics you run the risk of your infection getting considerably worse and

Definition and Problem of Antibiotic Resistance Example | Graduateway

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Antibiotic resistance is when microorganisms, such as bacteria, are able to survive an exposure to antibiotics and these bacteria are now resistant to the effects of these antibiotics.

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria has been an issue since antibiotics were discovered, antibiotic resistance essay. The fact that bacteria can become resistant to our medical treatments such as antibiotics is a natural evolutionary process, but there are certain human contributions that definitely speed up the process. For example, one of the main contributions that will be discussed is the problem of over prescription of the antibiotic drugs.

Don't use plagiarized sources. If antibiotic resistance is a known problem then why are doctors still over prescribing antibiotics?

There are definite obvious solutions to the problem such as cutting down on the unnecessary over prescription of these antibiotics, but there are also other precautions that need to be taken. Introduction Antibiotic resistance essay more than 50 years, physicians worldwide have relied on antibiotics for rapid and effective management of many of the most common infections, antibiotic resistance essay.

Antibiotics have changed the way both doctors and the public perceive bacterial infections and their treatment. Doctors have been confronted with antibiotic resistance for as long as they have been using antibiotics Stearns and Koella, Modern antibiotics basically began with penicillin, antibiotic resistance essay. A British scientist discovered penicillin by the name of Alexander Fleming in It was not until that the British and Americans began mass-producing the drug.

Its use became widespread during World War II, it became quite antibiotic resistance essay through its heavy public marketing. During this time penicillin was widely thought of as a miracle drug, antibiotic resistance essay. People were amazed at the ability of antibiotics to cure illnesses overnight that had previously been known to be fatal, antibiotic resistance essay. But the thoughts of invincibility and miracles were short lived. Fleming himself warned early on that the drug required careful dosing and those bacteria mutate quickly in response to exposure.

Inwhen Alexander Fleming accepted his Nobel Prize, he warned of bacterial resistance. His main concerns were about misuse of antibiotic resistance essay drug. Antibiotic resistance essay he worried about over prescription and under dosing. In the case of under dosing, a patient my not take enough of the drug to kill all the bacteria and the surviving ones become resistant and reproduce with a antibiotic resistant gene Stivers, Similar patterns occurred in the United States.

And this is where a battle between antibiotic development and resistance evolution began Stearns and Koella, Move forward just 30 years to the early s, and antibiotic resistance had already come to be considered a real public health threat. Strains of bacteria that cause meningitis and ear infections in children, and a strain that caused gonorrhea, once again proved fatal. Both had previously been treated successfully with penicillin.

Bacterial resistance could pose a still larger problem soon because the manufacturing of new drugs has almost been at a standstill since Some theorists believe that we could be on the edge of an era where common illnesses, thought to be conquered already, could again be fatal.

Today, illnesses caused by bacteria are more difficult and expensive to treat. For all of these reasons the problem of bacterial antibiotic resistance essay is seen a very serious health concern worldwide Stivers, Human Contributors to Resistance What are the real reasons behind the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics? There is not really any clear-cut answer to this question but there are some known factors that do contribute to the problem.

Some of these include the overuse of antibiotics in livestock, international travel that can spread resistant bacteria, and the biggest single factor across the globe appears to be the very problem of misuse that Fleming antibiotic resistance essay of in Over prescription unnecessarily is still quite common today, and this is a primary contributor to the generation of bacterial resistance Stivers, One environment where bacteria are regularly exposed to antibiotics antibiotic resistance essay in large livestock operations, where producers very often treat their cows and other animals with drugs to prevent epidemics in the unsanitary and overcrowded conditions, which are common in the livestock industry.

The simple reason for this is that in the short term it is cheaper to drug up the animals with antibiotics than to keep a clean living environment for them. Another big reason for these producers to drug up the animals is the fact that feeding antibiotics to the livestock makes for larger animals. The problem occurs when bacteria antibiotic resistance essay these animals survive the bombardment of antibiotics, and some always do, the surviving bacteria are highly resistant to antibiotics.

And antibiotic resistance essay finally what happens is, humans get infected with these resistant bacteria by either eating some undercooked meat or any other possible way of indirect infection Walters, As stated before the primary contributor to the problem of resistant bacteria is over prescription of antibiotics.

One thing that should be made clear about antibiotics, they will only antibiotic resistance essay bacterial infections, not viral infections. doctors do understand the relationship between viral infections and antibiotics, antibiotic resistance essay, so the question still stands as to why doctors continue to overprescribe antibiotics in the face of the antibiotic resistance problem.

In one study there was a Advertising is encouraging patients to ask about medication and physicians are likely to prescribe or consider prescribing a drug requested by a patient Stivers, This misuse of drugs is a serious issue and needs to be taken seriously.

Antibiotic misuse is not like most types of medical errors in that it is antibiotic resistance essay error that has much greater social impact than individual impact. Three main ways that bacteria are able to become resistant are mutation, transfer of genetic material, and selection of resistant species.

Resistance in species that were previously sensitive to antibiotics can arise through mutations. A mutation can be defined as random and spontaneous genetic antibiotic resistance essay. Antibiotics do not cause mutations to occur, but their frequent use can generate an intense pressure for the selection of resistant mutated bacteria that evolve naturally.

This selection of naturally resistant bacteria can be considered an extreme form of Darwinian evolution. The rapid emergence of mutational resistance antibiotic resistance essay greatly and quickly reduce the effectiveness of an antibiotic Galley, Transfer of genetic material is also a source of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

Bacteria can obtain genetic resistance material from other bacteria, antibiotic resistance essay, either as plasmids, antibiotic resistance essay, which are loops of non-chromosomal DNA, or as chromosomal inserts. Chromosomal inserts include transposons, which are sticky ended sections of DNA able to antibiotic resistance essay from one DNA molecule to another, and genes transferred by viruses that infect bacteria, called bacteriophages.

A few species can also absorb and incorporate fragments of DNA released from dead cells of related species. This is the basis of penicillin resistance in certain bacteria Galley, The third cause of bacterial resistance is the selection of resistant bacteria species.

Bacteria that are frequently challenged by antibiotics in a way become used to their presence. Just as every human is different, so are most individual bacteria. The surviving bacteria form the basis for the next generation and will pass their traits to their offspring. As a result, more bacteria in the next generation will survive exposure to the same antibiotic. Through the process of natural selection, with continual exposure to drugs, each generation grows more resistant Walters, Solutions For such a serious and large-scale issue there must be some possible solutions being looked into.

One of these possible solutions to help in slowing down the resistance process is antibiotic rotation or cycling. It has been speculated that antibiotic cycling, in which drugs are rotated on a regular scheduled basis, antibiotic resistance essay, may be an effective way to slow down resistance evolution and spread of bacteria. The logic antibiotic resistance essay this is that by confronting bacteria with a changing environment, their ability to adapt to the environmental conditions and evolve to them may be reduced.

Unfortunately research shows that this drug cycling has been less than effective Stearns and Koella, antibiotic resistance essay, It is almost certain that there is an association between antibiotic use and the development of resistance. Given the recent escalation in resistance and the evidence of unnecessary antibiotic use, the most reasonable approach to the control of antibiotic resistance is to control antibiotic use. The important question is how, but much research is still needed.

It is most likely that limiting antibiotic resistance essay prescribing along with advances in microbiology, and not conscious antibiotic cycling, is the way toward limiting antibiotic resistance Stearns and Koella, Conclusion Antibiotic resistance is a serious issue that could possibly become even more threatening as time goes on. It as issue that needs to be looked at by not only the scientific world but also the general public, because it is the only way anything effective will be accomplished against bacterial resistance.

Everything now must be put into place and put into action so that this potentially dangerous issue does not get to a place that we do not want to see. Cite this Definition and Problem of Antibiotic Resistance Definition and Problem of Antibiotic Resistance. Definition and Problem of Antibiotic Resistance. Accessed Antibiotic resistance essay 19, This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper from our expert writers. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order, antibiotic resistance essay.

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Antibiotic Resistance Explained

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Antibiotic Resistance Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

antibiotic resistance essay

 · Pages: 8 ( words) Download Paper: Views: Antibiotic resistance is when microorganisms, such as bacteria, are able to survive an exposure to antibiotics and these bacteria are now resistant to the effects of these antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria has been an issue since antibiotics were blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Antibiotic resistance refers to the ability of bacteria to alter their genetic material and mutate to avoid destruction by antibiotic medications rendering the drugs ineffective in fighting infection and disease. This resistance has had tragic effects as numerous of the resistant infections have resulted in death of the host  · Generally, antibiotic resistance occurs as a part of a natural process for bacteria to evolve. So, the antibiotic resistance can only be slowed down but not completely stopped. Therefore, more research and development is vital and it should be a continuous process to keep up with resistant bacteria, and when new antibiotics are developed in the future, we must

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